Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Haiti from the eyes and hearts of Finna and Sophie (two 13 year olds)

So today we went to the house of the sick and dying babies. We also went to Gertrude's; an orphanage of the handicapped. What we saw today was nothing like we've ever pictured an orphanage being like. At the home of the sick and dying, there were children crying their hearts out beacuse they needed a diaper change or wanted to be held. Some of the home of the sick and dying buildings were taken down in the earthquake and are now being rebuilt as you read this.The cribs were lined up in rows like you would see in a movie, only this was real. 
The thing is Haiti is real and not a movie!  Its only day three and we think we've seen it all. Our favorite part of today was meeting Junior he is a disabeled boy who lives with Down Syndrome. We are pumped up for tomorrow and what we will see.

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